We are beyond thrilled to announce our newest partner, Cexplorer!
Cexplorer is a data analytics platform created to allow users of the Cardano blockchain to better understand the information underlying the public network. Cexplorer provides an easily digestible dose of complex information with their Dashboard feature. The Dashboard is a one-stop-shop for information on Stake Pool Operators, Pools, Blocks, Transactions, Epoch Rewards, and much more.
The goal is to humanize the experience of navigating the blockchain and thus making the blockchain easier and friendlier for the end user. ADA Handle shares this very simple ideology and is very proud to extend the functionality of the Cexplorer protocol by making it even easier for the end user to parse through data on the Cardano blockchain by being able to utilize the Handle lookup standard.
Learn more about Cexplorer:
Website: https://cexplorer.io/
Follow us:
Website: adahandle.com
Original Source: https://medium.com/ada-handle/ada-handle-partners-with-cexplorer-66fa3629f07a
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